My grandpa used to say that it is important to enjoy every age because you will only get to be that age once.
I think about that often.
When I was 14, 15, and even 16 years old, I was the can't-miss-a-day-of-school, gotta-be-mature type of person. I would not allow myself to ever miss school, even if I was sick. I was so caught up in trying to be everything all at once and would constantly worry about the future.
Now, as a senior in high school and after attending both a prestigious private and public school with well-rounded kids, I realize that no matter who you are and where you come from, life comes with difficulties. Life will never always be perfect. Nothing is guaranteed in life. All you can really do is try your best in life.
However, as you are working hard to succeed in school and to be an overall well-rounded person, don't forget that it is important to enjoy- ENJOY- your time. Don't let your desire to be the perfect student and perfect everything get so in your head, that you forget that enjoying life is also giving yourself a break sometimes.
I was so hard on myself, so nervous about not always being perfect, that I would sometimes forget to just be a teenager. I would cop out on great chances because I was scared of not getting something else done.

This is how bad I had it: One summer (YES, THE FRIKKIN' SUMMER), my friend got me a ticket to a Harry Potter midnight movie release and I didn't go because I "wanted to be prepared for camp the next day." That was my actual reason and I was actually concerned.
Maybe you're not that extreme, but you get my point.
I learned to change.
Earlier this year, I went to visit some old friends of mine. I skipped school for the day and went to a basketball game. It was great. I'm a senior. I go to school every day. I work hard in school.
I gave myself a break. It was one of the best days.
Today I overslept and, instead of frantically running out the door and getting to school like I would have last year, I allowed myself to skip the day. Then again, it is the end of my senior year and it was a half-day, but the point is that I gave myself the chance to relax and be like, "Hey, let me do something different."
I actually think that people who give themselves chances to relax and have fun and aren't constant workaholics, tend to do better in their working environments and are happier overall. I see it with the other kids in my school.
Just make sure not to be one of those who relax tooooo much. Work hard. Try your best. But have your fun too.
Yes, you can be successful and have your fun too.
I would see other kids having fun and still succeeding, and wondered about it. I was scared to "let go," to take the chance of losing my "straight path."
BUT, you don't have to be "bad" or whatever. Just relax. Stop kicking yourself over mistakes and things that didn't work out. Just know that you're trying your best.
Work hard, play hard.
You can do everything in your power to be someone or get something, but it may not work out. It happens. This isn't to say that you shouldn't try, but just that you should not put all of your eggs in one basket.
Enjoy working hard and don't forget to enjoy everything that life has to offer in the here and now.
Again- Work hard. Play hard.