There is a song that I wrote a couple of years ago. It is called "The Answer Is In You."
It is basically about not forgetting to actually take action to reach my dreams.
Sometimes we let things go . . . either we wait for a sign or for something to let us know that it is the right time . . .
I realized at a certain point though, that sometimes when I think that I'm doing all that I can do to reach a certain goal, I am actually not doing much at all.
For example:

I have been going to the gym regularly for two years now. When I first started going to the gym and exercising after many years of no exercise, I lost a ton of weight. As with many people, my weight decreased only up to a certain amount, and after that point, remained constant. As the year went on, I continued doing the same workouts, all the while wondering why I wasn't losing any more weight. It took me some time to realize that I'm not going to progress unless I push myself harder. Meaning, switching to different workouts and working more on toning than cardio.
BUT, I still hadn't gotten to the point of really taking action. Yes, I started different workouts and worked on toning, BUT I wasn't really pushing myself. I would stop when I felt "tired" and did not really carry out the exercises to their maximum potential. I was easy on myself. At a certain point, I realized that if I really want to tone and shape my body, then I have to WORK. Really WORK.
If you want it, then WORK for it.
It is the same thing with my music. If I want people to visit my YouTube page and listen to my music, then I have to put myself out there. I need to upload more music, practice my songs, play them for people. I need to take cation, and stop carrying out my plans only halfway through.
Don't do this to yourself.
Think about whether you are really taking action towards reaching your dreams.
Dream. Dream so much, that you feel like your dreams are about to come true.
Just don't forget to take action.
I checked out other people's YouTube channels, and they have lists of videos.
I realize that everyone wants success. You do, I do, they do . . . everybody. It is what people strive for.
The difference between those who succeed and those who don't, are the ones who actually take action.
"Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it."- Bill Cosby
"If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse."- I don't know who said this, but it is true.
First, decide what it is that you want- a car, to be an actress, to get toned, to get straight A's . . .
Decide that you really truly honestly want it with all of your heart and desire.
If you really want it and know\feel that it is worth it . . . Go. For. It.
Some helpful ways to keep track:
- Make a list of things you need to get done in the morning and actually get those things done.
- If you're not into lists, ask yourself what you will do or what you have done to reach your goal
- keep yourself motivated:
- Hang quotes and pictures in your room (I place them right by my desk where I can see them while I am working)
- Use social media sites to surround yourself with positive thoughts
- Like positive pages on Facebook, Instagram, or wherever else, so that see positive things when you go on those sites.
- Get a Pinterest- Seeing what you want reminds you to work for them and keeps you motivated. I warn you though, it can get addicting!! Please manage your time!!
- If you have a Google+, join inspiring, motivating, and helpful pages!
- This may be obvious but listen to inspiring, upbeat music. Music has a great effect on your mood and thoughts. Get pumped.
- Start playlists on Spotify, Pandora, etc.
- Make a Youtube playlist- you can also include other inspirational videos and not only music!
- Do something every day that gets you closer to your dream. Whether it be practicing your song, working out for ten minutes, or reviewing last year's math notes to prepare you for this year's math course . . .
- Keep a journal if you're into journals- they can be super helpful. Then, after you achieve your goal, you can look back and remember how it all started. I kept a journal when I went to sleep away camp and whenever I read it, I get the satisfaction of remembering just how much I had grown (as well as a few laughs).
Most importantly, believe in yourself.
I know that sounds cheesy, but it is true.
Good luck upon your journey.