Speaking of impeachment (all over the news), let’s apply it into our personal lives, people🤸🏼♂️
When that negative thought enters your mind, give it a nice kick🦵🏻out the door🚪
Question those things that you tell yourself.
Where is the validity and integrity?
Where did you get those ideas that you’re not good enough or strong enough or capable?
🌈The world is offering you opportunities that you must allow into your life. If you’re thinking negative thoughts, you’re blocking the receiving of those positive things.
So do this👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
1️⃣ Every time a negative thought comes to you, take a deep breath in and blow out the thought. Literally. Blow it out. Doesn’t need to be forceful- you’re telling your mind that you’re not allowing the negative energy inside.
2️⃣ Imagine yourself in your ideal, dream state. How you look, feel, who you’re with, your energy…
3️⃣ Tell yourself THAT is who I am because that is who I CHOOSE to be!