I’m done with the throwbacks. Because the truth is that anything I miss, I'm creating in my world. I don’t want to live a life of nostalgia and reminiscing on “the good times.”
Everything good is here.
Life is good.
Let’s stop having boring dull lives with happiness and excitement interspersed throughout it, and instead have the happy and exciting times being the main theme!
The challenges, hardships, struggles and all else are momentary.
The good, the happy, the joy, the moments of sincere gratitude are the constant.
Especially now with the holidays and new year, let’s begin a NEW new cycle. Our dreams and aspirations are on the front line. Everything else is secondary.
To start on this journey (when is a better time than now? There isn’t) and to find out more, check out BetterMe Mission Site for resources and downloads to help you get on your way!
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