Tuesday, April 15, 2014

You Decide!

To whom this may concern,

There is something important that you should know. We people sometimes forget our rights to happiness, our dreams, and our goals.

If you have ever been told that something you want to do won't work, that you aren't good enough, or that you aren't capable- that person or group of people are wrong!!!!

Maybe whatever you want to do now won't work out in the future, but whether that will or won't be the case is completely up to you. 

It is in nobody else's power, nor is it anybody else's right, to tell you who you are or what you are capable of doing.

On the other hand, allow other's hurtful words to push you to do and be better, to achieve your dreams and be all that they thought you couldn't be. 

This is your life and the only person that will live it is you, so take the reins of your own life and live the happy life you have the right to live. 

Alright then, I hope I inspired you.

Thanks and good luck.