Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Focus on Yourself

Hi everyone!

I am feeling great because I just starting doing this thing that makes me really happy and at peace. It is one of the secrets to success and happiness but is not done by many people. People hear about trying this out, but most people either don't want to, can't get themselves to do it, or don't know how effective it really is.

It's sort of like one of the secrets to happiness, but it isn't really a secret- most people just don't realize how great it is.

Do you want to know what this simple (but not always easy) thing is?
Well, surprise surprise, it's called Focusing on Yourself!

If I were reading this a week ago, I would have thought:

  1. It is important for me to compare myself to others so that I know where I stand in the spectrum of things.
  2. It is hard to not compare myself to others with all of this social media. I go on Facebook and realize how much better everyone else's lives are than mine. They go to parties every weekend, have so many friends with whom they have so much fun, and are enjoying their lives so much more than I am.

Now I realize:

  1. I am not my neighbor and my neighbor is not me. I forget where I heard this, but it is true. I have a different path than others, just as others have different paths than I have. Therefore, I should focus on finding my path and purpose, instead of focusing on how others are going about their business. 
  2. Everything looks greener on the other side. And if somebody's life is as great as they make it out to be on the internet, then good for that person! It doesn't mean that you and I should focus on their great life. Remember, this is your life, so don't waste it focusing on others' lives. That is one of the most unfortunate ways to waste a great life. Focus on your talents, strengths, opportunities and positive aspects of life. 
I came to a certain point where I was looking at others and thinking "they have this and that, why don't I have that too?" This kind of thinking was exhausting me. I would enjoy time with my family and friends but still think to myself that others have it better. 

This was crazy. 
  • I have my own successes, so why obsess over others?
  • I have such a wonderful life, so why think about how others have wonderful lives? Even if I didn't think that I have a great life, why dwell over how others have better lives than I do? That wouldn't improve my situation or happiness. 
  • Life is all about improving and building ourselves and when we focus on others, we fail to focus on ourselves. If we don't focus on ourselves, we don't work on ourselves and flourish.
I have had a week of focusing on myself. I didn't waste my time looking at my Facebook friends' photos or think about how somebody I know got the opportunity to do something that I always wanted to do . . . I reminded myself that I am who I am and that I will never be anybody else. Thinking about how others have what I don't have and feeling that it's unfair, won't change my life or increase my happiness. 

Here are my tips on getting yourself focused:
  • Remember that everyone is different and has a different path than everybody else.
  • You are unique- you are the only person who has your life 
  • Everyone has different difficulties and obstacles, so just because someone else has something that you don't, it doesn't mean that he or she is better than you. You just have different circumstances.
  • Your life is about building yourself so build yourself to become the person you always wanted to be
  • Learn from others- if someone has something you want (for example, a trait), work towards achieving it. You will actually find yourself appreciating this person, rather than feeling envy towards him or her.
  • Make a list of all the things you want- doing this will help you to stay focused on what you need to spend your time one
  • Make a list of things to do when you are bored, so that you never find yourself sitting around thinking about things that really don't matter to you
Want a more peaceful, fulfilling life?
Try this. 

I am sure you won't be disappointed.