This is a short article I submitted to my internship, so that they can share it on their Facebook or wherever else they want to. Melabev is a daycare center for elderly who have Alzheimer's and Dementia.
Here it is:
I have only spent 6 days working at Melabev, but I have
already learned so much. Working at Melabev has not only opened up my eyes to
the difficulties people face when caring for elderly who have Alzheimers or Dementia but also has taught me a great deal about what it means to be a
caring, giving person. There are two major things that I have noticed during my
time at Melabev.
First off, the care and concern that the volunteers and
employees have for the Melabev elderly/patients are incredible. The kind of
passion and responsibility that these individuals take upon themselves to keep
these elderly people as happy and safe as possible is a kind of treatment that
I have not seen before. I came to Melabev not only to gain work experience but
also to give back to the Jewish communities in Israel. Working in this
community has been one of the greatest experiences because of the unity and
passion that everybody feels when it comes to helping each other.
Second, I have learned the importance of a smile- not just
for this work setting, but also for life. I have noticed that even when a patient is in a bad mood or utterly confused, smiling at them cheers them up
right away and I usually receive a smile in return. Even when a patient begins
telling me a lengthy story (that may or may not make complete sense), my simple
smile makes them feel understood and appreciated. I know this to be true
because this smiling technique has worked even in very difficult situations-
one in which I needed a patient to return to her seat for lunch when she was
adamant about leaving the building and the only time she agreed to sit down
was when I requested for her to sit down while smiling.
I think that these two realizations of mine- the passion,
care and concern that is felt by all the volunteers and employees, and the
importance of a simple smile- will be beneficial for me in the future, and to
all who realize the big effects that small gestures can have.