Everything good is coming our way!
Gosh, what am I saying?🤔
Everything good is already HERE!🤙
That is, if you allow it to be. It depends entirely on you.
I know you're probably thinking, "How so, Dev?"👀
Well, if your thoughts and beliefs create your reality... and since you control your thoughts and beliefs... this means that you have the power to generate whatever you want.
The KEY🗝 is to learn, therefore, how to control your thoughts and change your beliefs.
And you must. It's going to take time and some effort, but with persistent practice, you WILL get there. Heck, I'm still practicing (getting better every day☝🏻) and I've been doing this for a while.
Because guess what.
If we are focusing on the negative, we will only attract more negative into our lives.
Likewise, if we attract positive, then we will attract positive into our lives.
Like attracts like.
Make sense? By the way, if you want to learn more, check out my downloadables on this exact topic! You can find them all
here! And I'm adding more and more all the time!
So here are my top pointers on how to generate positive vibes even when the going gets rough (because life requires the going gets rough and we are supposed to learn how to grow from these challenges).
- Do a meditation- Sometimes we get so caught up in the situation at hand, the feelings generated from an experience, past issues and the emotions attached to them, starting to come up... we just need to step back and realign ourselves with our mission and goals. Instead of resisting the thoughts, feelings, and reality at hand... allow them to flow through you.
- The best way to allow them to flow through you is to meditate. Stop what you're doing, close your eyes, take a couple of deep breaths, and just BREATHE. Set a timer for 3-5 minutes and just allow yourself to relax. Focus on your breath and allow all negativity to show up as they desire, acknowledge them, and let them go. Don't try to fight them, just accept them as thoughts.
- Observe your thoughts- as I wrote above. When you simply step back and observe your thoughts and feelings, you cease owning them. We berate ourselves for thinking a certain way or acting our emotions that we try to suppress... but we can also choose to stop owning them and taking them personally. Just we think negative thoughts, it doesn't mean we are negative. We are human. Observe and let go.
- Listen to something positive- whether it be a song, a speaker, a video on something silly and funny.
- When you focus your attention on those things, you align your energy with that energy.
- Loosen up. Allow yourself to align with the energy you truly desire to live by.
- Journal- When you write down exactly how you're feeling and why you're feeling that way, you gain a LOT of clarity.
- Clarity allows for understanding, which allows for an opening for something new to enter into our space (positivity please🙏🏻).
- This also helps us to let go- to let off steam- which therefore allows us to feel more positive and accepting of something new.
- Get up and get out- if you've been sitting for too long, focusing on one thing to no or little avail and are building up frustration... then you need to get up physically (yes do it even if you're lazy and/or a have a deadline because this will give you more time and energy in the long run) and step out of your current scene. Step outside, go on a walk, go for a drive around your neighborhood). Then come back and start again.