Monday, May 29, 2017

There are Millions of Different Realities

I meant to write this blog post right after watching the hit Netflix series 13 Reasons Why. I didn't have a chance to work on it right after I finished watching the series and so here I am now a month later, finishing up this blog post.

There are may views and opinions on the show- specifically the storyline and the nature of the main character's response to the situations in her life. Some believe she over-reacted, some didn't think the scenarios were realistic, etc . . .

However, whether or not you feel those ways or all-together just simply did not like the show- there is something that is astoundingly true. There is a stark reality of life that is very well depicted in the series. This is something that everyone can relate to, learn from, and should absolutely apply to their lives.

This reality that I am referring to is the MILLIONS of DIFFERENT realities experienced by ALL PEOPLE.

Yes, the millions of different realities. Think about this. It is something so simple and that we know is obviously true. You may be wondering why I am making a deal of this. But how often do you actually think about this? Like, really actually authentically honestly think about this.

You never know what is going on in a person's life. The way people act, the things they do, the things they say... are all reflections of their personal lives- which we may well know little to nothing about.

I think this show did a phenomenal job at representing this truth, and at representing how rarely people actually tend to give attention to this fact. Everyone gets caught up in their own lives and have their own opinions about things, but we must remember that this is exactly why we must be careful. Just because something isn't a big deal to us, it doesn't mean it's not a big deal to someone else.

Also, we don't know what is going on in other people's lives. You just might be their last straw. What you say or do, or don't say or don't do, maybe a major factor. It may be able to change someone's day or even life.

The actors and Selena Gomez (executive producer) mentioned it was the aim of the show to get people to treat each other better. Its goal was to change the way people look at each other and perceive others. It is a call-to-action; it is calling out to young people these days, to change the way they treat each other.

The take-away of this blog post is such:

Your words and actions matter. Choose them wisely. If you want to make a change, make a good change. Be the good change, the happy moment, or the saving factor in someone's life.
Just because you think something is a small matter, it doesn't mean it's a small matter to someone else.
Your happiest moment might be occurring at the same time someone else is experiencing their worst moment.
Just because you don't see something, doesn't mean it's not happening.

Let's all be nicer to each other and take upon ourselves to make this world a better, happier place for all of us. Do your part.