Sunday, January 30, 2022

You Are Not Perfect

I hate when people say things like, ”You’re perfect just the way you are. Don’t change.” 

Well, you’re not. 

I’m not saying that to hurt anyone’s feeling, to be rude, or to sound negative…

I’m not saying that you aren’t amazing. I’m sure you’re all wonderful people. 

However, we as humans are not perfect, are not meant to be, and never will be. 

Imperfection, actually, is a beautiful thing because it gives us opportunity to grow and develop ourselves.

That doesn’t mean you need to change how you look, your hobbies, your sense of humor. 

It simply means you should seek to develop yourself on a regular basis. 

How can you be kinder, more giving, more confident in yourself and your values?

We need to stop talking about perfection as if it exists. As if it’s something we should strive for.

No. That should not be the goal. And that’s not healthy anyway.

We are here to evolve, grow and CHANGE for the better. 

We are here to improve ourselves and overcome our challenges through knowledge and wisdom. 

Instead of telling each other that we’re perfect and don’t need to change (these are empty words anyway and really don’t actually mean anything), let’s say something more impactful like, “You’re a valuable human being with a lot to offer the world and those around you. You’re focusing on being the best version of yourself and that is a beautiful thing. Keep going.”

Saturday, January 29, 2022

The Scary Thing About Reaching Your Dreams

The scary thing about reaching your dreams is reaching your dreams.

It’s no longer, “When I get there, it will be like this or I will be like that…”

Because you’re living the reality of what you alway once could have only imagined.

Will you still sometimes falter? Look like an idiot? Question yourself?

Hell yeah.

Soak it all up, pause to smell the roses… but don’t stop there. 

This isn’t the end.

It’s just the beginning. 

Things To Remember

 Thanks to being quarantined (this from 2 weeks ago), I’ve had the opportunity to listen to tons of awesome podcasts from @impacttheory @womenofimpact and @melrobbins. These are some pointers I wrote down for myself that I think are worth sharing ☺️

🔅 Everything happens for us to help us evolve. We are meant to go through challenges in order to change for the better and grow into the next best versions of ourselves. Stop holding on to who you think you are or who you were before. We are not the same people we were a year ago or five years ago, and that just might be a good thing.

🔅 Just because we see ourselves a certain way, it doesn’t mean others see us that way as well. Our insecurities are magnified in our own minds. 
🔅 Imposter syndrome is something that even some of the most successful people experience.
🔅 Resiliency is a skill that must be l
earned and practiced on a regular basis. 

🔅 Never fail to support and cheer for yourself. You will be more empowered and everything will be easier, faster and more fun