Another short blog post.
Sometimes we look at other people and notice that they have something(s) that we may not have.
Sometimes, even, we may fall into feeling jealous of those people.
This is something that I do when I start comparing myself to other people. It's really simple.
I take a piece of paper, write her name, and something that I can learn from her.
This way, when I think of this person, I focus on the good she has to offer and what I can learn from her.
I know that this sounds strange- focusing on someone's good attributes to stop yourself from feeling jealousy.
However, jealousy of somebody often leads us to dislike that person. By focusing on something that you can learn from that person, you instead focus on the good and come to think of that person more positively.
It really works. Give it a try.
You will come to notice that you see the person for the good that they have to offer, and not for the good that they possess.
And even if this doesn't work for you right away, constantly remind yourself of what you can learn from this person. Eventually, you will come to view this person more positively.
This helps you in 2 ways:
1. You don't focus on the fact that you don't have something, but rather you focus on how you can grow.
2. You save yourself from having to suffer the consequences of jealousy and anger towards somebody (which can be worse than you think).
Good luck!